How Digital Workforce Solutions Empower Manufacturing Industries for Sustainable Transformation


The emergence of trends like Generative AI, Industry 4.0 and Internet of Things, combined with the demand for carbon emission reduction, has presented manufacturing companies worldwide with numerous opportunities and challenges. The 2023 Manufacturing Industry Outlook, published by Deloitte, says that leaders should leverage digital technologies, adopt strategies for the future of work, and drive supply chain resiliency. From Laiye perspective, digital workforce is a chance for breakthroughs.

Amidst the digital transformation, manufacturing firms are grappling with multiple pressures to transform, including high labor costs, fierce market competition, and the need to meet customized customer demands. In factories, manufacturers are encountering challenges such as a dearth of skilled technical personnel and difficulty in hiring workers, highlighting the need to proactively build a digital workforce. Furthermore, the Carbon Neutrality strategy requires manufacturers to adopt intelligent automation technology to enhance the factory's energy efficiency.

Laiye has established itself as a reliable choice for numerous top-tier manufacturing enterprises by offering an Large Language Model powered Digital Workforce platform. This platform seamlessly integrates RPA (Robotic Process Automation), IDP (Intelligent Document Processing), and conversational AI products, enabling enterprises to achieve end-to-end automation. By doing so, it resolves complex issues like information silos, business barriers, and low energy efficiency. Ultimately, it facilitates digital transformation and human-machine collaboration, empowering enterprises to stay ahead of the curve in the intelligent era.

Challenges of digital transformation in manufacturing enterprises

Low efficiency and accuracy of manual operation on massive data processing

Departments such as R&D, Production, and Finance regularly handle substantial data loads for data analysis, product preparation, and invoice verification, etc. These tasks can be repetitive and tedious, involving procedures like data download, verification, and entry. Manual handling of these tasks can result in inefficiencies, reduced communication effectiveness, and a higher risk of errors, adding pressure to employees and increasing business risks.

Inefficient cross-function communication with isolated internal data

As enterprises expand, seamless collaboration among functions becomes crucial, particularly in large manufacturing companies. They need a unified approach for product development, production, and sales. However, effective communication and information sharing present challenges. Traditional systems involve manual input and updates, leading to synchronization issues across departments and increased communication costs, hindering scalability.

Limited employee digital literacy and a shortage of tech professionals

The success of digitalization doesn't just rely on advanced technology but also on fostering digital awareness and basic skills among all employees. This development journey involves progressing from merely using tools to fully utilizing them and ultimately to creating new solutions. It's crucial to empower all employees with the ability to quickly grasp automated tools and nurture their capability for innovation. Therefore, selecting an easy-to-learn, flexible, and cost-effective low-code platform is of paramount importance.

How can Laiye Digital Workforce solutions make a difference?

Laiye LLM-powered digital workforce solutions integrate intelligent automation technologies such as RPA, IDP and conversational AI in one stop. It helps improve business efficiency while promoting high-quality decision-making, and provides low-code models and Open API interfaces to achieve human-machine collaboration.

Quickly get started and easy to use

Laiye provides over 1000 online robots, 500+ pre-set commands, and numerous third-party plugins, simplifying deployment for common enterprise scenarios.

The low-code model enables a seamless switch between visual and source code views, facilitating easy adoption for employees without prior experience. This promotes human-machine collaboration and digital awareness. It also supports multi-module and multi-person collaboration for custom end-to-end automation.

A prominent energy company has successfully implemented Laiye Digital Workforce solutions across 44 processes, spanning various functions such as finance, manufacturing, sales, and procurement. The automation tool is projected to operate over 20,448 times annually, resulting in a significant saving of 20,661 work hours and approx 252,000$ in labor costs. The user-friendly and easy-to-use nature of Laiye platform has also empowered the company to independently develop their own digital workforce, which earned the company several prestigious awards for its practice and innocation on digital transformation.

Large language model accelerates automation

With just one click, users can deploy the product without the need for pre-training. One of the key features of Laiye Intelligent Document Processing is its ability to process almost all common languages. Moreover, it is capable of recognizing the fields of more than 50 bills and cards with an accuracy rate of over 99%.Laiye IDP allows users to easily drag and drop modules to create exclusive models and link them seamlessly with Laiye RPA. This makes it possible to streamline work processes and enhance productivity. In addition, Laiye's conversational AI product allows work execution through natural language conversation. For instance, an HR needs to recruit employees for a certain position, then he(she) can send a request to the digital worker. The digital worker will then automatically search for resumes on major recruitment websites and intelligently selects them. The interview invitation email will be automatically sent to those who meet the requirements. Once a reply is received, it will be compiled into an Excel file and sent to the HR.

A leading automobile enterprise has implemented Laiye Digital Workforce, which has witnessed significant performance. it improved the efficiency of the Data Analysis work of the R&D department by 75%, and accuracy by 85%. It achieved a labor saving of 90%, an efficiency improvement of 80% and a 95% execution and data accuracy for the component preparation work of the production department. It also brought a 90% efficiency improvement and an accuracy improvement of 95% for invoice notification of the sales department, saving 95% of the working time. The final estimate is to save about 35,568 hours of manual labor per year, achieving an annual return on investment of about 420,000$.

Contact us to learn how the Laiye Digital Workforce solutions work for you and your organization.

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